Saturday, August 28, 2010

I heart Saturday nights

Lazy nights when school is back in session are possibly my biggest and most coveted luxury. Seriously.

Marc went to the Texans game, and it was just me and the little boys, cozy and LAZY.

Grayson and I spent some time on the porch trying to identify a preying mantis with the help of his insect encyclopedia. For a little boy obsessed with all things Chinese you can imagine his delight when we realized that our porch visitor was indeed a Chinese Praying Mantis.

Merritt is walking - and dancing. Lots of dancing. He loves music and bounces anytime he hears a beat. Hysterical. Looks like a little fat drunk man.

Grayson asked me the following tonight:

Grayson: Mom, are there trash cans in space?
Me: I don't think so, why?
Grayson: Well, are satellites controlled from the earth of from space?
Me: Um, from the earth.
Grayson: What happens if a meteor crashes into a satellite? Where does the trash go from the satellite?

I had NO answer for the boy - he amazes me with his thought process and the things he comes up with. I hope he is always this curious.

Happy Saturday night.

PS - Grayson has officially begun decorating the house for Halloween. I have little hand drawn pumpkins sprinkled throughout the house and duck-taped to the walls. Gorgeous.

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