Sunday, February 28, 2010

Friday Night

Marc's in on the blog now - so he's filling me in on blog-worthy conversations with Grayson. This one took place in the bathroom at dinner Friday night:

Grayson: Can I have some privacy please?
Marc: Do you have to go poop, or pee?
Grayson: What does it matter, I can handle it.

Playing eye-spy in the car:
Me: I spy something tan
Grayson: Is it me?

And no matter how many times I've heard it, I still giggle every time he calls Baskin Robbins "Basket of Robins".

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Grayson thinks I'm pretty...pretty stupid.

When I rejected his plan to renovate his bedroom into a playroom (he had no thoughts as to where he might sleep) the conversation took an interesting turn.

He said to me, AND. I. QUOTE.:

Grayson: "keep it up and I'll throw my toys through my window"
Me: "excuse me?"
Grayson: "you heard me"
Me: "to your room mister"
Grayson: "you look pretty mommy"

Sure hope he's enjoying sitting in his 'playroom' thinking about how pretty I am.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Monday

Today is Monday and I'm soooo happy...the painters are scheduled to arrive in 10 minutes.
After a little more than a year we are finally going to have walls that match!!

Grayson is off to school, I don't know how he will concentrate. I could barely get him to eat breakfast as he was in a twitter about where we would hang everything that Marc took off the walls to prepare for the painters. He walked thru the house in his Transformer undies (thanks AP) pointing to me the perfect place for everything. I promised him NOTHING would be re-decorated until he arrived home from school.

That child.

I will post pictures soon!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

For my boys with love.

A blog for my boys, because Mommy is too lazy for scrap-booking.

I love you little bugs.

In case anyone is wondering: Grayson is my little peach, and Merritt, we have decided looks a lot like a little plum.
